for zero waste KUMTA PROJECT
zero waste KUMTA PROJECT
Together we can, together we will!
Some of us (or, all of us) we really like and need a clean and healthy environment, not only the kitchen or the temple, but also the rooms, the courtyard, the garden, the office, the street. We like everything clean, without rubbish, without bad smell, without dosha. We, in fact, like clean, beautiful, shubha things.
And thus, to tackle the pathetic loathsome condition of Kumta urban and peri-urban areas, a Spark Team of determined stakeholders was formed and a zero waste Kumta Project was designed to extend such personal cleanliness to a wider zone, minding the new nature of waste products and their life cycle. Despite what some use to say and appears extensively evident, we don’t believe that Indians prefer to live in dirty environs and spoil the nature instead of cleaning and keep them spotless.
We wish to notify that the final project is participation oriented, with a creative solution-focused, plus a collaborative and inclusive approach for the needful psycho-social change.
We will help to prepare the implementation of an efficient scheme to solve the environmental issues of Kumta’s waste and sanitation. Beyond the scope of conventional solutions and with a household centred approach (to reduce waste at the source), we target the absolute stoppage of litter around houses and public places, the illegal landfill.
- Tackle Municipal Counsellors involving them in the project for their ward
- Tackle wasters to reduce & segregate (informing, involving, warning, fining, monitoring)
- Tackle Kumta Municipal Corporation (KMC) workers – proper training, value & empower
- Tackle and network with rag pickers – include, value, train
Departing from the psycho–social profile of population (existent awareness, education, motivation, support, etc.), trying to involve all to think big, we wish to supply methods, tools, material, information and ideas to plan, prepare, develop, monitor and assess a programme to solve Kumta’s waste and sanitation problems, within a tentative timeline.
Involving ALL possible stakeholders, key persons, groups & institutions with some part in the project:
- the primary stakeholders – all wasters and “waste managers” directly responsible by the waste flow (municipality, households, shops, hotels, etc )
- the secondary stakeholders – intermediary actors liable to produce a major effect on the project outcome (local bodies, AC, DC, TH, HO, CPI, KMC COfficer, BEO, MLA, Press, etc)
A sound relationship between the various stakeholders within the project framework is to be based on harmonious complementary interaction rather than confrontation.
PUBLIC SECTOR – DC /AC /Tahshildar/MLA /KMC Sabha /KMC Officer /CPI /Health Officer /BEO/ KSPCB/Ecology & Environment Department / NWKRTC/
PRIVATE SECTOR _ CLUBS (Rotary, Lyons, Youth Clubs) /SHGs/NGOs/ Ragdealers/ Ragpickers/ Unions/Co-operative Societies/Industrial Association/Banks/Temples trustees
1ST STEP – START UP – Completed by Sankranti
- Extensively spread information on Solid & Plastic Waste Management Rules 2016 (banners, boards, flyers) in public places
- Request Kumta Municipal Corporation to immediately
- control of plastics at all suppliers source
- provide disposal spots with covered & encapsulated bins only for dry waste in main points
- instruct KMC sweepers and public not to dump or burn any waste in drains
- invite formal & organised support from local scrappers and their network
- Frame bylaws for
a) fines and heavy penalties applying to the following offences:
- Giving plastics to public
- Littering
- Burning whichever trash
- Dumping trash anywhere, especially in the drains
- Failure to segregate waste at source
b) fees for waste collection
2ND STEP – IMPLEMENTATION – Completed by Ugadi
To address waste management through all levels formal and informal education (schools, householders, shopkeepers, officers, municipal counsellors, etc.):
- Prepare a raising waste literacy & awareness program targeting at zero waste
- Make needful awareness raising tools (informative booklets/flyers, posters, flyers, boards, etc.) with the new waste rules
- Request support from schools and educational stakeholders
- Prepare Training Programmes for householders, schools, sanitary workers, hotels, etc
Municipal Implementation
- Provide intensive information to stakeholders on rules and request observance to them
- Fix warns to immediately stop dumping at drains, corners, etc.
- Place warning/explaining boards on littering, dumping, burning
- Ambulant loud announcement everywhere explaining new trash system & fines
B) to MANAGE TRASH – Outline a broad plan for Kumta S&PWM with a tentative timeline
- Define trash system and contents for flyers & boards
- Map trash collection zones (roads, streets, footpaths, no access points, etc.), and broad timings
- Enforce immediate segregation at source (dry and wet) with adjusted collection
- Enforce composting of wet waste for commercial food providers, schools, bulk waste generators & other public wet wasters
- Place enough bins, covered and embedded, in tactical points
- Provide composting sites on the same lines as the waste collection centres
- Place abundant boards about fines and penalties
- Register with MC all local waste generators and respective collection fees
- Register with Kumta Municipal Corporation Ragpickers Team (train, value and empower – aadhar card, children education, medical facilities)
- Reinforce warning boards at critical places: dumping & burning are offence, etc.
- Train conveniently KMC sweepers and other sanitary workers
- Respect trash pick ups timings to eliminate the habit for people to dump
- Monitor composting or methanation of wet waste by commercial food providers, schools, bulk waste generators & other public wet wasters
- Create a volunteer brigade with schools, youth groups, NGOs & community based organizations to jointly monitor the project
- Request residents and rikshaw walas to monitor and promptly report any dumping/ burning
- Closely monitor the KMC management of Ratha Utsava and other massive events
- Keep regular audits to ensure that all sectors are applying the procedures correctly
- Receive and dispatch our Grievance against Municipal Administration S&PWM,
- Allot land for collecting and sorting centre
- Close supervise the proper implementation of the urban and peri-urban W&P management
- Take action for violation by Municipal activities related to sanitation and SWM
- Allot land for storing the collected segregated items and their further sorting
- Assign land for eventual recycling plants for dry waste & biogas units for wet waste
- Help Kumta Municipal Corporation to identify key options and the financial support for each option
- Trigger coordination with surrounding Gram Panchayats & Municipalities for dry waste collecting and recycling centres
- Call for a volunteer brigade with schools (students, teachers & principals), youth groups, NGOs & community based organizations to jointly monitor the project
- Inform on land availability for the needful observance of S&PWM
- Notify KUMTA MUNICIPAL CORPORATION for compliance of S&PWM Rules
- Call a meeting of officers involved in SWM and
- give directions for compliance of rules
- Survey dirt, waste, stones or building materials thrown on the streets and public places
- Notify for its removal
- Environmental Auditing for waste prevention and reduction
- Survey the environmental sanitation
- Instruct Ashas & Municipal Health Inspector on good practices for waste management
- Outline the plan for Kumta S&PWM with a tentative timeline
- Ensure focused waste literacy programs at all schools
- Survey, report and instruct corrective measures
- Survey, report and instruct corrective measures for waste management & sanitary conditions of Kumta Bustands
Note: The KMC can attract private sectors by giving incentive for participation in SWM services. For example through:
- Tax holiday to set up compost and power generation plants
- Allotment of land, power, water at concessional rates for setting up recycling plants
- Long-term contracts and soft term loans to take up SWM services in the urban areas
CLUBS – sponsor and collaborate in awareness campaigns
SHGs – Involve all members and collaborate in awareness campaigns
PRESS – Nuthana TV, UK TV, TV9, Suvarna news Channel, Janatha Madhyaama, Prajavani,
Karavalimanjavu, Manjunath, Deccan Herald, Udayavani, Vijay Karnataka, Janaantarang,
Samyukta Karnataka, Kannara Prabha
NGOs – Greengold Global Research Institute, Panchabhuta, SnehaKuja, Namati, Khushi Parisara
Rag Dealers – consultancy on waste recycling streams
Rag Pickers – organize team and manage its activity
Unions (Rikshaw, Merchants, Teachers, Pharmaceuticals, Grocers, etc.) – sponsor and collaborate in awareness campaigns
Industrial Association – sponsor awareness campaigns
Banks – sponsor awareness campaigns and material tools
Temples trustees – assist awareness campaigns
zero waste KUMTA PROJECT
Together we can, together we will!
1ST STEP – START UP – Completed by Sankranti
1. Spread information on S&PWM Rules 2016 | ST + KP |
2. Control of plastics at all suppliers source | KMC |
3. Provide emergency bins for dry waste only in main points | KMC |
4. Instruct KMC sweepers & public not to dump or burn waste in drains | KMC |
5. Invite formal support from local scrappers and their network | KMC |
6. Frame byelaws for violation of S&PWM Rules | KMC |
7. Fix fees for waste collection | KMC |
2ND STEP – IMPLEMENTATION – Completed by Ugadi
1. Prepare a raising waste literacy & awareness program for zero waste | ST + KP |
2. Fix warns to immediately stop dumping at drains, corners, etc.
3. Place warning boards on littering, dumping, burning 4. Ambulant loud announcement on new trash system & fines 5. Outline a broad plan for Kumta S&PWM with a tentative timeline 6. Map waste collection zones & timings 7. Enforce immediate segregation at source 8. Enforce composting of wet waste 9. Place enough bins, covered & embedded, in tactical points 10. Provide composting sites 11. Place abundant boards on fines & penalties 12. Register with KMC all waste generators and their collection fees 13. Register with KMC Ragpickers Team 14. Reinforce warning boards at public critical places 15. Train conveniently KMC sweepers & all sanitary workers 16. Respect waste pick ups routes & timings 17. Inspect composting/methanation of wet waste by bulk wasters |
1. Create a volunteer brigade to jointly monitor the project | ST + KP |
2. Request residents & rikshaw walas to monitor & report any dumping / burning | ST + KP |
3. Closely monitor the KMC management of Ratha Utsava | ST + KP |
4. Keep regular audits | ST + KP |
1. Receive and dispatch our Grievance against Municipal Administration S&PWM
2. Allot land for collecting & sorting centre |
DC | 1st Step |
3. Close supervise proper implementation of W&P management | 2nd Step | |
4. Take action for violations by KMC to sanitation & SWM Rules
5. Allot land for storing, sorting and dumping wastes 6. Assign land for eventual recycling plants & biogas units 7. Help KMC to identify key options and needful financial support |
AC | 1st Step |
8. Trigger coordination with surrounding GP & MC for collecting & recycling centres | 2nd Step | |
9. Call for a volunteer brigade with schools, youth groups, NGOs & community based organizations to jointly monitor the project | 3rd Step | |
10. Inform on land availability for the needful observance of S&PWM
11. Notify KMC for compliance of S&PWM Rules |
TH |
1st Step |
12. Call a meeting of officers of local bodies involved in SWM and
13. Give directions for compliance of rules |
1st Step |
14. Survey dirt, waste, stones or building materials thrown on the streets & public places
15. Notify for its removal |
CPI | 1st Step |
16. Environmental Auditing for waste prevention and reduction | E&ED | 1st Step |
17. Survey the environmental sanitation
18. Instruct Ashas & Municipal Health Inspector on good practices for waste management |
HO | 1st Step |
19. Outline the plan for Kumta S&PWM with a tentative timeline | CO of KMC | 2nd Step |
20. Ensure focused waste literacy programs at all schools | BEO | 2nd Step |
21. Survey, report and instruct KMC for waste pollution remediation | KSPCB | 1st Step |
22. Survey, report and instruct corrective measures for S&PWM and sanitary conditions of Kumta Bustands | DC of NWKRTC | 1st Step |