Overall goals
• To encourage harmony between human beings and their environment;
• To create broad public awareness of the need to preserve the environment and natural resources;
• To assess, list, and document the main local environmental problems;
• To generate awareness among citizens and various stakeholders from villages and towns around on the causes of environmental deterioration and to call forth their participation in corrective actions;
• To promote an enhanced understanding of the existing environmental problems in order to contribute to a personal sense of responsibility for global wellbeing;
• To bring together individuals from all religious, cultural, social, economical and political backgrounds to help putting an end to the global threat of pollution;
• To launch public awareness campaigns among all population sectors through artistic exhibits, musical productions, drama, etc.;
• To spread environment education, especially in the non-formal system among different sectors of society by way of diverse awareness programs.
Clusters of specific goals
1. Education cluster – knowledge transfer
• To mobilize school teachers and students as the most critical sectors for knowledge transfer;
• To develop a critical mass of trained teachers and students to promote environmental education through camps and fieldtrips throughout teacher-training and awareness-raising campaigns;
• To foster environmental leaders among children and youth, empowered for disseminating awareness on the field, facilitating their networking at a global level;
• To establish a robust network of schools, Self-help Groups (SHGs), welfare associations, NGOs, media, corporate sector, and local government bodies for implementation of the need actions;
• To use different media (such as films, audio, visual and print, theatre, drama, advertisement, placards, posters, workshops, competitions, meetings, lectures, essays, exhibitions, symposiums, press conferences, and seminars, etc.) to spread awareness.
2. Social cluster – local implementation
• To raise awareness and sensitivity towards environmental deterioration, in order to start preservation of biological, cultural, and ethnic diversity;
• To empower women to change the global world by making simple changes in their local worlds and lives, by implementing the “in my backyard programmes”;
• To encourage people to have an influential voice in deliberations related to the quality of their environment and their lives;
• To involve and urge by all means local organisations in finding and implementing solutions to the local environmental problems;
• To adopt an inclusive and empowering interactivity with all layers of stakeholders;
3. Recycling cluster – waste management and treatment
• To initiate, in collaboration with the local authorities, various programmes for local solid waste management and treatment;
• To place in key locations appropriate bins for the different types of waste and assuring their discharge.
• To promote, coordinate and monitor the collection of waste by rag pickers.
4. Networking cluster – connectivity
• To recruit friends for the implementation of programs
• To raise funds and resources from friends, companies, agencies, etc. to undertake specific field projects (environmental camps, training, etc.);
• To extend environment education from the classroom to one’s local environment, forming school networks for understanding and improving the environment in the community;
• To accept donations, grants, presents and other offerings (in the shape of movable or immovable properties) to be utilised for goals promotion;
• To add a festive dimension to all planned events. Reuse, recycle and reduce should be celebrated.