Being increasingly aware of the systematic dilution of India’s environmental laws by the prevalent priority of setting commercial interest over environmental protection, Khushi Parisara understands that the ecological issues brought until now to the governing bodies are mostly irrelevant and tertiary, as the undergoing destruction of ecological legacy is serving corporates profit by exploiting natural resources – (de)regulating the Environment.

Exemplar dilution of environmental rules can be the thoroughly dismissed rule of law mandating the management of wastes by all stakeholders thru the sharp duties of liable authorities – as also the removal of clearance requirements for certain industrial projects in ecologically delicate milieus.

Notwithstanding, Khushi Parisara ventures to insist on the vast and precise issues that are uprising the vulnerability of the utmost sensitive coastal milieus

India’s environmental challenges are grounded on the critical interconnection between human activities of resource exploitation, built by the economical promotion of a developmental growth model which, ignoring ecological limitations, amplifies the environmental risks.

Khushi Parisara dares to deem that the RULE OF LAW IN ENVIRONMENTAL GOVERNANCE should imperatively tackle

  • the responsible functioning of local bodies, authorities, regulators, and officers assigned with environmental duties for the protection and recover of ecology on all its extents
  • the current cases of non-compliance – and non-implementation – of laws & rules for environmental protection, keeping them unenforced & vainly effected
  • the need of Local and State Bodies (key actors for the protection of environment) to act with knowledge, efficiency, integrity and independence, being clearly exposed to accountability


None of the liable officers can see what everyone can see?